Monday, September 30, 2019

Plantation Crops and the Slavery System Essay

Plantation crops and the slavery system changed between 1800 and 1860 because of the industrial revolution. After the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, the Southern states were granted freedom to decide about the legality of slavery. At this point in time, the cotton production was very low and there were around 700,000 slaves in the whole country. Cotton changed the course of the American economic and racial future, because of the mass production of textiles. The cotton quantities increased considerably. The South was producing and exporting over sixty- seven percent of the world’s cotton by 1840 which gave the region strong economic power. As the cotton production continued to grow it required more manpower or slaves. The supply of slaves needed for growing of such production was restricted, making slaves more valuable resulting in the domestic slave trade. The domestic slave trade emerged as a crucial commercial enterprise during the 1800 and 1860, which resulted in white planters looking for new slaves in the upper South states. (Henretta, Edwards, and Self 2012, 352-359) â€Å"For white planters, the interstate trade in slaves was lucrative; it pumped money into the declining Chesapeake economy and provided young workers for the expanding plantations of the cotton belt. For blacks, it was a traumatic journey, a new Middle Passage that broke up their families and communities. â€Å"Arise, Arise and weep no more, dry up your tears; we shall part no more,† the slaves sing hopefully as they journey to new lives in Tennessee.† (Henretta, Edwards, and Self 2012, 358) The domestic slave trade emerged as a crucial commercial enterprise operating through a coastal and inland. The coastal system sent slaves to the sugar plantations in Louisiana and the inland to cotton plantations. The domestic slave trade was crucial for the prosperity of the southern economy. It was an important resource to raise money and help support the economy of the Upper South. (Henretta, Edwards, and Self 2012, 352-359) References Henretta, J. A., Edwards, R., Self, R. O. (2012). America: A Concise History, Volume One: To 1877, 5th Edition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Broken family Essay

THESIS From the suggestion of one researcher that broken homes equal broken people, and that broken people break others. Although this particular article focuses on the idea that boys without authoritative role models are well placed to get caught in the Sturm und Drang of adolescence, it seems the issues these children develop can be teased to a more widespread problem; perhaps it is a perceived brokenness of the normal familial network that creates the sense of injustice and turmoil that fuels the actions of these children. Perhaps it is the social expectation of an American Dream-styled belief that two parents, a healthy marriage and two children, who go to college, plus some sort of pet is what one should receive whilst growing up, despite that this is not only a difficult balance of relationships to maintain but not the ‘norm’ for most people in America. This sense that one has been ‘left out’ or done out of what they believe that everyone else normally receives perpetuates a sense of injustice that often translates into violence within society. Broken Family can be describing as a broken home, this is where a child doesn’t have a both parent at home. The husband and wife are legally separated. Sometimes death of one member of the family can lead to broken family. Or else broken family is incomplete. However, no matter how ideal a family in the terms of their relationship, there are still hardships and misunderstandings that will come along the way. Broken family varies from numerous reasons why it had to be that way. Misunderstanding starts from simple domestic quarrel that grows impertinently damaging the long-forged relationship between the family members. The most common dispute between a husband and a wife is the financial issue. There are difference between a complete and a broken family. Complete family can looked at their child properly than a broken family can. Most of the Teenagers who belongs to a broken family did not graduate. They even suffer emotional stress and depression which usually leads to suicide. While those teenagers who belong to a complete family graduated with even honours. But there are some products of broken family who were successful because their experiences inspire them to make a better family someday unlike the family they have. Members of a complete family are also capable of handling problems than a member from a broken one but they are both acceptable in the society. In today’s society broken family is a major problem that should be given enough attention. The behaviour of family setup affects the social, economic and political aspects of a country. It should always be remembered to keep the family away from the thoughts of separation. One in three children life with a single-parent or with step mom or dad, researchers found that there are 3.8million children, the great majority of them in single-parent families. 30 per cent of the country’s children and their numbers are up by nearly a fifth over the past decade, according to a study by the Office for National Statistics published last June 2010. According also to the ONS analysis of data from its monthly Labour Force Survey of 60,000 households, 3.8million children live with only one of their biological parents because they have a lone mother or their father or mother has left home. And there are 2.7million who live with a single mother and 200,000 with a lone father. A further 500,000 are in cohabiting step-families, and 400,000 in married step-families. Single people and cohabiting couples will significantly outnumber the married by the 2030s, the ONS said. Already the proportion of people who are husbands or wives has fallen below half the adult population to 49 per cent. By 2033 that will become 42 per cent, according to projections on marriage. Numbers of cohabiting couples will rise from 2.3million to 3.8million, the ONS said. There are causes why there are broken families or broken homes, around the world. Some of this are maybe because of the Wrong choice in marriage, Disagreement is the only language they understand.. In this kind of situation, hatred, unfaithfulness, fighting, anger, suspicion, cheating  becomes the order of the day and break-up is the end result. And it may be also because of the Parental or friends influence, because broken homes today are caused by undue influences and interference of parents, friends and relations in the private affairs of the family. Time consuming jobs is not good for the family, most of the parents, when a man or woman stays too long at work, the other partner will start feeling lonely, neglected, abandoned and sometimes frustrated. Striking a balance will be a good idea. There are Theories that is based on our topic, about being in a Broken Family. The Psychoanalytic theories emphasized the importance of relationship and attachments between children and their parents. This theory tells the three major personality mechanisms which is as follows: The id, ego, and the super ego. One of the major personality mechanisms is the Id. It was contained by the instinctual, unconscious desire and especially sexual and aggressive which a child was born. It was governed by the pleasure principle, seeking to achieve pleasure and to avoid pain. While the Ego was the seat of consciousness, it was developed out of the id about the age of three. It was tried to achieve the desires of the id while taking account of the reality of social convention and could delay immediate gratifications of long-term goals. Children can develop a strong ego if they had a loving and strong relationship with their parents. And the Superego is developed out of the ego at the age of five, it’s also contained two functions, the first one is the conscience and the other one is the ego-ideal. Based on Wikipedia, Conscience is a judgement that assists in distinguishing right from wrong. But in the personality mechanisms Conscience is acted to inhibit instinctual desires that violated social rules. There’s also a formation depending on parental punishment arousing anger that children then turned against themselves. Ideas that are inspired counselling and social work approaches, as they try to rehabilitate the offenders by building up a warm relationship with them. Most studies from the broken homes have focused on the loss of the father rather than the mother. The Modern theories of the relationship between the disrupted families and the delinquency fall into three major classes, the Trauma theories. Based from Wikipedia, Trauma means â€Å"wound† in Greek and it’s often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one’s ability to cope or integrate the emotions involved with that experience. Psychologically traumatic experiences involvement in physical trauma that threatens one’s survival and sense of security. The definition of Trauma differs among the individuals by their subjective experiences. The next major classes of modern theory between disrupted families and the delinquency fall is the Life course theories, this focuses on the separation as a sequence of stressful experiences, and on the effects of multiple stressors such as parental conflict, parental loss, reduced economic circumstances, changes in parent figures, and poor child-rearing methods. And the last one is the Selection theories, which talks about the argue that disrupted families produce delinquent children because of pre-existing differences from other families in risk factors, such as parental conflict, criminal or antisocial parents, low family income, or poor child-rearing methods. What will be the effect of a Broken Family to the Student’s Performance in School? This research is based on the U.S Centre for Marriage and Family as they release their study on November 2005 that broken family structures consistently lead to education difficulties for children. The study says â€Å"When it comes to educational achievement, children living with their own married parents do significantly better than other children.† Children living in a situation other those with their own married father and mother are known as non-intact families. They are significantly higher rates of difficulty with all levels of education. Each child a year spends with a single mother or stepparent â€Å"reduces that child’s overall education attainment by approximately one-half year.† The study also says that the comprehensive review of recent academic research about the relationship between family structure and children’s academic performance. Education outcomes from children growing up with their own married parents to children in non-intact family structures such as divorced, single, remarried or cohabiting parents. These family structures were consistently found as the deciding factor in a wide range of child behaviours that affects their academic performances including their emotional and psychological distress. This also includes the attention disorders, social misbehaviours, substance abuse, sexual activity and the common problem of teenagers, teen pregnancy. Those children from non-intact homes had higher rates of depression,  anxiety, lower self-esteem and stress, particularly as teenagers. They’ve found out that some children from broken homes were three times more likely to suffer from attention deficit disorder than children from intact homes. Thos children from single-parent homes suffered from physical health problems. While Pre-school children from Single-parent homes were less likely to be given help with letter-recognition. Children from non-intact families’ scores consistently lower on reading comprehensions and in Mathematics. And they’re struggling in maintain their grade levels overall. While children from married parents had much lower rates of behavioural problems inside the classroom. Particularly boys from broken marriages showed a higher rate of classroom misbehaviour. 30% of teenage students from broken families more likely miss school, always late or cut class than students from intact homes, because single parents had more difficulty monitoring their children. These may cause the children to be at high risk for smoking, consuming alcohol or drugs. Most of the teenagers now a day were more likely to be sexually active and had higher rates of pregnancy, especially those from the non-intact families. Children who were from single-parent home by the time they were ten were more than twice is likely to be arrested by age of 14. Who never lived with their own father had the highest likelihood of being arrested. These study reports that majority of U.S children will spent a significant part of their child hood by the time they reach 18. And Single parent homes in the U.S. nearly doubled in the period from 1968-2003. Based on other researches, Most of the Children from unmarried parents/separated families often fail and are at risk emotionally. This may not be completely applicable in all instances of broken homes. The environment where a child finds himself/herself goes a long way in determining his learning ability and ultimately his academic. There are different effects of a broken family for the Development of the children. Such as Emotional development, this is the growth in the child’s ability to distinguish between and to express their emotions in socially acceptable way and to be able to understand the emotional content of other people’s communication. Some of the children who show little emotional response are actually bottling up their negative feelings. Educational Development, this talks about the performance of the children inside their classroom, and in what way that broken homes can affect them in their studies. Social  Development, Other children may experience anxiety, which can make it morw difficult for them to seek positive social interactions and engage in developmentally beneficial activities such as teen sports. Teens from broken families might develop a cynical attitude toward relationships and harbour feelings of mistrust. Family Dynamics is the interaction between the family members as well as the varying relationships that can exist within a family. Based on the new living arrangements, the children may need to perform more chores and assume additional roles in the new household’s basic functioning. A broken home can confuse or disrupt a child’s world. This was proven to be true from infancy through the teen years. Most of the children experience wide array emotions to try to navigate. Their Parents have to provide them as much stability as possible and involve other to be the responsible role models, to provide the support for their child. It’s important that the child knows that he/she is still safe, love and cherished. Frustration with a broken family can manifest through open aggression by throwing tantrums, hitting, and other outward expressions of pain. As Lesia Oesterreich, M.S., of the National Network for Child Care website suggest that the younger child is not able to express emotions verbally and does not understand the negative feelings he’s/she’s experiencing. And it’s also important that the parent will help the child to vocalize these emotions and make the children aware that these are valid feelings. The children may feel that their behaviour drove the other parent away and might strive to improve the behaviour of the child in hopes of the parent returning. Reassure your children will not be the cause and will be continue to be loved by both parents. The child should know that just because his parents’ relationship has changed. The child may feel embarrassed that his/her family is not intact and withdraw from normal activities. Those children could put on a brave front, pretending that everything is okay even when hurting. From which Michelle New, Ph.D. of the Kids Health website, suggested. Parents should maintain established routines at home to make everything feel as normal as possible, Encourage your child to have close contact with family and friends to encourage him at this time. Children from broken families are nearly five times more likely to suffer damaging mental troubles than those whose parents stay together, Government  research has found. It also showed that two parents are much better than one if children are to avoid slipping into emotional distress and anti-social behaviour. The findings say that children’s family backgrounds are as important – if not more so – than whether their home is poor, workless, have bad health, or have no one with any educational qualifications. The research adds to a wealth of data that shows children suffer badly from divorce or parental break-up, and that those brought up by a single parent are more likely to do badly at school, suffer poor health, and fall into crime, addiction and poverty as adults. The report, funded by the Department of Health and published by the Office for National Statistics, investigated emotional disorders – ranked as those which cause considerable distress and interference with the way in which children perform at school and during play. It also looked at conduct disorders which result in aggressive, violent or anti-social behaviour. The researchers studied nearly 8,000 children aged between five and 16 in 2004 and found almost one in ten had disorders. The children were checked again last year. The report said that a child whose parents had split during this time was more than four and a half times more likely to have developed an emotional disorder than one whose parents stayed together. They were nearly three times more likely to exhibit a conduct disorder. Eleven per cent of those children whose families broke up had emotional disorders, against 3 per cent among those whose families were still together. Nearly a third of children found to have mental disorders in 2004 still suffered from them three years later. The Department of Health said: ‘The Government is committed to helping children and young people experiencing mental health problems.’ But academic Patricia Morgan, author of several studies on family break-up, said: ‘This does not come as a surprise, and things are going to get worse. ‘Broken families and serial fathers produce homes full of conflict and chaos and they are terrible for children.’

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Thorn Queen Chapter Four

We left as soon as etiquette said we could. I tried using Shaya's argument about eccentric queens doing whatever they wanted, but it didn't work on her. She said if we didn't stay a certain amount of time, I'd appear intimidated by Maiwenn. So, we stuck around a bit longer than I liked before finally making formal farewells to the others. Kiyo was preoccupied with a group of well-wishers, but he looked up at my departure and smiled. He mouthed the word soon. My group rode back in a subdued mood. The urgency was gone, and I think my glum attitude threw a cloud over everyone. Seeing Maiwenn and Kiyo had bothered me more than I liked to admit, and Dorian†¦well, that was another story. For now, I wanted nothing more than to cross over to my own world, throw on pajamas, and watch mindless TV. Possibly while eating ice cream. And as our journey continued, ice cream sounded more and more appealing once we crossed back into the Thorn Land. The sun was sinking, but heat still radiated off the sand and rocks. It wouldn't dissipate for another couple hours, and even at midnight, the temperature probably wouldn't drop below seventy. I'd changed back to my shorts and sunglasses before leaving Maiwenn's, so again, the heat didn't bother me as much as it did the others. Dorian had claimed my sundress would catch on as a fashion trend; I wondered if shorts would as well. â€Å"There's a village ahead,† murmured Rurik. I snapped out of my daydreams and followed his gesture. Sure enough, a small cluster of buildings darkened the horizon. Like my castle, it was something more suited to a medieval British landscape than the desert. Considering how infrequently I visited my kingdom, this was the first settlement I'd seen outside of the castle. It unnerved me a little, my discomfort growing when I saw that our road went straight through the town. Damned twisting Otherworld. This village hadn't been here on our earlier trip. And for that reason, I knew better than to suggest we go around it. With the way this world worked, a slight deviation could toss us into the Rowan Land or add hours onto our trip. Steeling myself, I tightened my grip on the reins, deciding that this place looked small and wouldn't take long to clear. When we entered its outskirts, though, I discovered something that made me lose my resolve. The road was lined with people. It was like everyone in the town had come out to see us pass through. They stood along the sides, staring at my party and again looking like extras from some medieval movie. Except, it must have been a low-budget movie. The people's clothes were ragged and dirty, their faces gaunt. Everyone seemed too skinny, even the children and babies held in parental arms. My unease grew as we rode deeper into the heart of the village. I hated crowds and having eyes upon me. There was something discomfiting about this particular group. Their expressions were either completely blank or†¦well, terrified. Everything was dead silent. â€Å"What are they scared of?† I whispered to Rurik. He gave me an amused glance. â€Å"You, of course.† â€Å"Me?† I squeaked. Glancing at my attire, I tried to imagine how out of place I looked here. Was my foreignness that frightening? â€Å"You're their queen. Everyone knows how you slaughtered Aeson-and that isn't a particularly heartwarming tale. Likewise, Storm King's legacy of terror lives on after all these years. You've inherited it.† â€Å"So, what, they see me as some kind of tyrant?† He shrugged. â€Å"You're their queen,† he repeated, as though that explained everything. I'd never wanted to be queen. I certainly didn't want to be seen as some kind of despot queen either. I didn't want these eyes upon me, these eyes that all seemed to be filled with apathy, judgment, and a kind of weary defeat. I breathed a sigh of relief when we reached what looked to be the halfway point. All of a sudden, a man stepped in front of us, bringing us to a halt. He was an older gentry, tall and gray-haired. He was skinny and clothed only a little better than the rest, though there was an air of dignity and authority that made him stand out. When he saw he had our attention, he swept me a bow so low, his face nearly touched the dusty road. â€Å"To Eugenie, great queen of the Thorn Land, I offer the most humble greetings of your servant, Davros.† At least, that's what I think he said. He was bent so low that his words came out muffled. I glanced uneasily at the others in my group, unsure what to do. They all remained silent and looked at me expectantly. Oh, sure. They were full of advice back at Maiwenn's, but when it came to peasants groveling in the road? That was apparently all me. â€Å"Please, um, stand up,† I managed at last. â€Å"Um, Davros.† He rose, clasping his hands in front of him, looking totally overwhelmed that I'd used his name. â€Å"Thank you, your majesty. I am the mayor of this village. Words cannot express what an honor it is to have you among us.† Considering what Rurik had just told me about my reputation here, I wasn't entirely sure I believed Davros' words. I forced a smile. â€Å"Thanks. We're just passing through on our way back to the castle.† Davros spread his hands wide. â€Å"I hope, then, that you'll consider resting and taking a brief refreshment in my home.† â€Å"Oh, well, that's really nice, but-â€Å" Shaya cleared her throat loudly. I glanced over at her. She gave me a pointed look that gave no question to what she wanted me to do. Grimacing, I glanced back down at poor, groveling Davros. Damn. I wanted nothing more than to get out of the Otherworld right now. I didn't want to stop for teatime. My expression must have looked scary because Davros blanched and lowered his head meekly. I sighed. â€Å"We'd love to.† Mayor or not, Davros didn't have a very big house. Only Shaya, Rurik, and I joined him inside, while the rest of my party milled around outdoors. From the village, Davros had invited a few other important officials, as well as his wife and two grown sons. We sat at a round oak table while his wife served us red wine and something that reminded me of baklava. I sipped only a little of the wine, not wanting to risk dehydration in this weather. I wasn't much better at making conversation here than at Maiwenn's, but fortunately, there was no need for me to do anything. Davros and his associates kept the talking going, most of the conversation centering on how glad they were that I had come by, what an honor it was to meet me, how they hoped I'd call on them if I needed anything, et cetera, et cetera. Which was why it was a bit shocking when Davros' wife suddenly asked, â€Å"But if you would, your majesty, please tell us what it is we've done to displease you. We'll do anything at all to make amends and gain your favor once more. Anything.† I almost choked on the honey cake. â€Å"What do you mean†¦displease me?† The villagers exchanged glances. â€Å"Well†¦,† said Davros at last. â€Å"There must be something. You've placed a blight on the land, stripping us of our water and food. Surely we've done something to warrant your most righteous displeasure.† â€Å"You need only let us know what it is,† piped in someone else. â€Å"We will do anything you require to lift this curse from us.† This was the most astonishing thing to happen to me all day-which was saying something. I looked at Shaya and Rurik for help, having no clue how to respond to this. For a moment, I thought they would once again make me fend for myself, until Shaya finally spoke. â€Å"The residents had built their lives around the shape of the land when Aeson ruled it, when it was the Alder Land. When it transformed itself to you, their old ways no longer worked. Their crops don't grow in this weather. The wells have run dry.† I stared at her in shock. Never, never had this occurred to me-but then, it wasn't like I'd spent a whole lot of time thinking about the Thorn Land. Most of my energy had been spent on figuring out how to avoid it. Studying Shaya, I wondered how long she'd known about this. I somehow doubted there was much that went on around here that she didn't know about. From the looks of Rurik's averted gaze, it appeared as though he'd known about this problem as well. Both knew how upset I got when forced to deal with any sort of queenly issues. So both had spared me the details while these people suffered. I turned back to Davros. â€Å"It's not a curse†¦it's, I don't know, it's just the way the land is. The way I wanted it to be.† Astonished looks met me, and I could only imagine what a freak I sounded like. When Aeson had ruled, this land had been green and lush, filled with forests and fertile farmland. Who in their right mind would turn it into a desert? Davros confirmed as much. â€Å"But this land†¦this land is impossible to survive in,† he said. â€Å"Not where I come from,† I told him. â€Å"This is like the land I grew up in. People live and flourish there.† People also had modern ways of bringing in water and shopping for whatever other stuff they might need. And that wasn't even taking air-conditioning into account. â€Å"How?† he asked. I didn't know how to readily answer. I didn't really understand the intimate details of my world's infrastructure. I turned a faucet and water came out. I went to the grocery store and bought milk and Pop-Tarts. Desperately, I racked my brain and tried to pull out elementary school lessons about Arizona's history. â€Å"Irrigation,† I said lamely. â€Å"Squash, I think. And, um, corn.† Had the natives grown corn? Or was I getting confused by stereotypes? Shit. I was so ignorant. The only thing I felt confident of was that Pop-Tarts were not cultivated natively in Arizona. The looks the others gave me told me I wasn't helping this situation any. I glanced at Shaya and Rurik, but this time, no help came. The full weight of what I'd done started to sink in. Maybe I hadn't wanted this land. Maybe I hadn't intentionally turned it into a mirror of wild Tucson. The point was: it was done. The Thorn Land was as it was, and taking in these ragged and starving people, I realized it was all my fault. Only, I had no clue how to fix it. I was too much a product of modern innovation. There was nothing I could do. Scratch that. There was one thing I could do. I abruptly stood from the table, catching everyone by surprise. As custom dictated, they all hastily scrambled and rose as well. Without explaining myself, I headed outside, back out into the village. Behind me, I could hear Davros babbling something, apparently thinking they'd again caused offense. They probably thought I was about to send lightning bolts from the sky. As it was, that might not have been a bad idea-if I actually had that power. These people could certainly use rain. But one rainstorm wouldn't fix things, and I could hardly do it day after day. Instead, I walked out to the middle of the street and came to a halt. My guards straightened up, awaiting my orders, and other residents stopped to see what was happening. Those from Davros' gathering soon poured out of the house and joined everyone else. I closed my eyes, opening myself to the world around me. I smelled the clean, fresh scent of the desert and the faint, faint breeze blowing through it. The setting sun warmed my skin. Then, I pushed deeper, reaching out to that which the magic within me instinctively bonded to. I felt the minuscule water vapor in the air, but that wasn't what I wanted. I had to go further. I sent my magical senses into the ground, seeking water throughout the village. None. I remembered what Shaya had said about wells drying up, which meant the surface wasn't going to yield anything. That meant I'd have to go deeper still. There. Back in the direction we'd entered town, I felt a hit. I opened my eyes and strode toward it, the water calling to me. I was vaguely aware of a crowd following me, but I paid them no attention. Only the water was my goal. When I reached the spot, I found that it was just on the town's outer edge. A mesquite tree grew nearby, which should have been a tip-off. They had deep feelers that penetrated the earth in search of moisture. I too sent my power into the ground, trying to summon the water up. There was a lot of dirt between me and it, and I realized it wouldn't do these people any good in the long term to just suck it to the surface right now. I turned around and found Davros right behind me, face anxious. I pointed to the ground. â€Å"You guys need to dig here. Right now. There's water here.† He stared at me, mouth agape. A moment later, he snapped out of it and turned to those nearest him. â€Å"You heard the queen! Fetch shovels immediately. And find anyone who can work with the earth.† Earth magic. A smart idea. Gentry didn't have bulldozers or drills, but they did have people who could throw around huge piles of dirt, which was pretty sweet for this kind of thing. Dorian-who was probably the strongest earth user in the Otherworld-could cause earthquakes and level buildings. In minutes, a group had assembled. I tried to take a shovel and help, but that nearly caused Shaya and Davros to have a heart attack. Queens didn't do that kind of work. Instead, I stepped back, watching as the other villagers used magic and manual labor to dig where I'd indicated. When the hole grew too deep for shovels, the village's two earth-magic users took over. Even combined, they were nowhere near Dorian in strength, but they definitely sped the process along, kicking up towers of dirt along the sides. Finally, I heard a great cheer. Everyone else and I crowded to the hole's sides, peering down. It was deep in the ground, but muddy water was slowly filling up the bottom. I looked at Davros. â€Å"Can you guys turn this into a well?† I certainly hoped so because I sure as hell had no idea how to do it. I imagined it involved stones and a bucket, but maybe that was just my naà ¯ve fairy-tale images. His head bobbed eagerly. â€Å"Yes, yes, your majesty. Thank you, your majesty.† After that, it was nearly impossible to leave. I was regarded as a miracle worker. I was no longer the tyrant queen. I was their savior, the generous and wonderful monarch who had brought life to their land. I declined their pleas to stay and celebrate but told them I'd be back with other ways to save their town. Admittedly, I had no idea what that would entail, but mentioning such a minor detail would have seriously brought down everyone's mood. When we were finally mounted up and able to head out, I suddenly felt a tug on my shoe. Surprised, I looked down and saw a middle-aged man gazing up at me. A similarly aged woman stood close beside him. â€Å"How dare you touch the queen!† gasped Davros. From his face, it looked like he was seriously afraid I might level the town. I waved him off. â€Å"It's okay.† The man who'd pulled my leg regarded me pleadingly. â€Å"Please, your majesty. My wife and I have a boon to ask of you!† â€Å"That's a favor or a request,† said Rurik helpfully. â€Å"I know what a boon is,† I snapped. I looked back down at the couple, unwilling to make any promises yet. â€Å"What is it?† The man put his arm around the woman. â€Å"We've heard that you're both a great warrior and a great magic user.† â€Å"And clearly kind and compassionate,† added his wife. â€Å"And?† I asked. â€Å"And very beautiful and-â€Å" â€Å"No,† I exclaimed. â€Å"I mean, what's your boon?† â€Å"Our daughter has been taken,† the woman said, eyes filling with tears. â€Å"We beg you to help us get her back.† â€Å"Whoa. That might be a little beyond my reach,† I told them. â€Å"When you say taken, do you mean, like, kidnapped?† They both nodded, and I was swept by a strange sense of deja vu. I'd first stumbled into this Otherworldly mess when I'd been hired in the human world to also find a missing girl. The girl had turned out to be Jasmine, though I'd had no clue at the time that she was half-gentry, let alone my sister. Was my life destined to be filled with missing girls? Davros stepped forward, looking upset and embarrassed. â€Å"Your majesty, please ignore them for troubling you with something so meaningless. Their daughter was not taken by anyone. She ran off to Highmore with her lover from a neighboring village.† I glanced at Shaya and Rurik. â€Å"What's Highmore?† â€Å"Really?† asked Rurik dryly. â€Å"I thought you already knew everything.† I glared at him. â€Å"It's a city,† said Shaya. â€Å"The largest in this kingdom.† â€Å"Wait, what? I have cities?† I asked, feeling my eyes go wide. The distraught couple interrupted my new revelation. â€Å"Davros is wrong,† the woman said. â€Å"Our daughter did not run off. She was taken by the bandits who live in the passes.† â€Å"Everyone knows they're there,† added the man. He eyed Davros. â€Å"Them and their beasts. Even you won't deny their existence. They've been there for years, and she isn't the first girl to disappear.† I turned to Davros. â€Å"Is that true?† He shifted uncomfortably under my gaze. â€Å"Well, yes, your majesty, but such brigands are nothing you need to concern yourself about, just as King Aeson did not.† â€Å"Wait. Aeson knew there were bandits going after you guys and didn't do anything?† â€Å"Such petty concerns were beneath him,† said Davros. To my astonishment, he seemed to believe that. â€Å"I don't know,† I said slowly. â€Å"If a monarch doesn't take care of that kind of thing, I'm not really sure what they're supposed to do.† Truthfully, I didn't want to deal with this any more than I wanted any other Thorn Land responsibilities. But the mention of Aeson had stirred my blood. Aeson had been a self-serving asshole, and it pissed me off that he would have left these people to fend for themselves. The only thing I wanted less than to be a ruler was to be a ruler like him. Furthermore, the same fury that Jasmine's abduction had stirred in me flared up. Maybe it was my own experience with always being chased down by aggressive men, but I hated the thought of any girl facing rape or abduction. It didn't matter that these were gentry girls and not humans. The principle was the same. Brigands and thieves taking advantage of young girls, of preying on those weaker, had to be stopped. â€Å"I'll send people to take care of these bandits,† I said finally. Behind me, Rurik made a strange sound. â€Å"But I can't make any guarantees about your daughter.† The couple's faces lit up, and they fell to the ground in gratitude. â€Å"Thank you, your majesty!† the woman cried. Her husband chimed in. â€Å"Truly you are generous and magnanimous and-â€Å" â€Å"Yeah, okay, there's no need for that,† I said hastily. â€Å"Or to kneel. You're going to get all dirty.† We had just started to ride away when Shaya leaned toward me. â€Å"You've made a lot of promises today.† I thought about it. She was right. I'd promised to help them get food, rebuild their infrastructure, and rid themselves of those who preyed upon them. â€Å"Yeah. I guess I did.† She gave me a bemused look. â€Å"And how are you going to accomplish all of this?† I glanced around us, noting that the faces watching us leave town were no longer blank and afraid. They were grateful and adoring. I sighed. â€Å"That,† I told her, â€Å"is an excellent question.†

Friday, September 27, 2019

Titian's Venus of Urbino Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Titian's Venus of Urbino - Essay Example Venus is the Roman goddess of love, beauty, sexual seduction, and fertility. The sexualized nature of Venus’ mythological roots made her a ripe subject for Renaissance artists seeking to embrace this new freedom of expression. While perhaps not the most seminal incorporation of Venus imagery, Titan’s ‘Venus of Urbino’ painting is highly sensational in its depiction of a nude woman on a couch; indeed, Mark Twain even once referred to the work as a form of pornography. This essay situates Titan’s ‘Venus of Urbino’ within the context of the gender situation in Renaissance Italy and compares it with other Renaissance versions of Venus imagery, ultimately arguing that the image indicative of progressive Renaissance values, and to an extent an early incarnation of female objectification. Analysis In gaining a thorough contextual understanding of Titian’s ‘Venus of Urbino’ (Fig. 1) it’s first necessary to situate the work in relation to the socio-cultural values, artistic trends, and gender perspectives of the time of the work’s creation. Fig. 1 Venus of Urbino One prominent such consideration is the nature of the work as framed in a window like format. There is a great many connotations within such Renaissance window imagery. One theorist notes that, â€Å"the window was often viewed as an erotically charged space for both prostitutes and -- at certain times – ‘proper’ women.†1 While for ‘Venus of Urbino’ this sexuality is in part indicative of Renaissance moral liberalization, in the context of Venus imagery this work is highly sexualized relative to other works. While the image’s highly sexualized nature is clear, the extent that this sexuality is indicative of progressive Renaissance values, or rather an early incarnation of female objectification is a debated subject. While individuals such as Joan Kelly has notably argued in favor of fe male objectification, Chojnacki instead contends that the Renaissance witnessed a shift in favor of women’s rights. He writes, â€Å"The spatial dimension of the state’s regulation of sexual behavior was more concretely present to Venetians in the case of prostitution.†2 In this mode of understanding one could potentially view the image as one empowerment. Still, it’s important to consider the nature of nude prostitutes and courtesans as being models for Venus. The image then can even be argued to take on a subversive quality, rebuking increased state regulation of sexual behavior. While a plethora of artists implemented Venus imagery during the Renaissance, this subject was a cyclical theme in Titian’s work. One of Titian’s prominent implementations of Venus occurs in his oil painting ‘Sacred and Profane Love’. Featured in Fig. 1 below, this work shares with Titian’s ‘Venus of Urbino’ the nude depiction of V enus. While the central focus in ‘Venus of Urbino’ was on the Venus figure, in this image Venus seemingly plays a secondary role to the depiction of the bride. Still, scholars have also argued that the bride is actually a different representation of Venus. Tinagli notes, â€Å"the two women represent two aspects of the goddess of love, respectively the Celestial Venus (platonic love) and the Terrestrial Venus (sensual love). Nakedness stands here for the purity of spirituality.†3 Fig. 2 Sacred and Profane

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Perfume Advertising Adaptation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Perfume Advertising Adaptation - Essay Example Beauty has taken many forms, the perceivers describe it as cute, elegant, sexy etc, and they try to relate it with the person’s lifestyles and personalities. If the product’s image is associated with the model’s beauty type then the message would be consistent in the perceivers mind and it shall enhance the acceptance of the advertisement. The article also describes that the editor while considering a model for its product studies nineteen different properties of beauty and its significant impact on the mind of the perceivers. Successful models despite blessed with beauty, they try to be more different with respect to the quality personified. It is the critical process for the advertisers in shaping the product is positioning strategy and communicating effectively. In 2009, a study by Dr. Khanfar explored the impact of culture on TV advertising behavior in GCC countries. In this published report, the author suggested that globalization and internationalization has a direct influence on the marketing activities of organizations. Marketing activities have become highly complex and companies are increaingly involved in gaining knowledge and understanding ways how cultures restrict ways in which they can advertise their businesses, products, and services. The dynamics of the market place demand companies to understand the impact of continuously evolving culture within one country or a group of countries. Over the years, GCC countries have experienced greater economic activity and individuals from broader cultural backgrounds have settled in these countries. In GCC countries, adveritising through TV is considered an important medium for marketing communication dvertising. Drawing from a detailed literature review on strategic choices the study cond ucted a research based on the positivistic paradigm and deductive approach and

'Character is fate'. Is this statement shown to be true in Oedipus and Essay

'Character is fate'. Is this statement shown to be true in Oedipus and Hamlet - Essay Example Moreover, renowned soothsayers, seers, astrologists and numerologists also used to augur about the life and glorious deeds would be performed by the outstanding personalities and charismatic spiritual, political, military and religious leaders, belonging to various societies of the globe, many years before their birth even. The present study aims to discuss the theory character is fate in the light of the classical plays Oedipus the King and Hamlet produced by Sophocles and William Shakespeare respectively. Celebrated poet and distinguished playwright of ancient Greece Sophocles has described the role of fate in the life and character of humans in his magnum opus Oedipus the King. â€Å"Sophocles’ Oedipus the King is a classic work of literature that opens our minds to the possibility of preordained destiny, which is a timeless theory that holds as much importance in our lives today is it did for those who lived in Sophocles’ time.† ( The re markable tragic play vehemently declares destiny as the regulatory authority that controls every important event and incident taking place in human life in such a way that man startles at the silent entrance of both blessings and calamities in his life, where neither any triumph is the outcome of his character, nor any intentional performance or misdeed committed by him is the only cause to invite the misfortunes. As a result, humans appear to be powerless to combat with the misfortunes had been predetermined by Nature for their life. Thus, the entire struggle made by them to escape the most obnoxious incidents of life end in utter fiasco subsequently. Though, the critics also disagree with the notion incurred while interpreting the play that the control of fate over character has been expressed by the author. They are of the opinion that the author has reflected upon the flaws and faults of character, which pave the way towards the fateful end of the protagonist character Oedipus. Since it were Oedipus’s parents, King Laius and Queen Jocasta, who acted upon the piece of advice made by the soothsayer regarding their son’s life by ordering decree to kill Oedipus by throwing him from the hill, they themselves invited the wrath of Nature for their misdeed and malafide intention of killing their innocence infant Oedipus. In addition, Oedipus also displayed unnecessary aggression during his encounter with King Laius, and challenged him to fight and killed him subsequently. Moreover, he also showed extraordinary valour and gallantry while killing the monster, which reveals the impatience and lack of prudence in him. However, these were not the great faults enough for the ruination of the family. However, the blunder mistake made by the King and the Queen by ordering the killing of their innocence child reflected their ruthlessness and caused the fateful end of the family eventually. The plays reveals that the soothsayer had warned the King and Queen th at their newly born child would, on growing

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

NUMBERS DROP FOR MARRIED WITH CHILDREN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NUMBERS DROP FOR MARRIED WITH CHILDREN - Essay Example To be more precise and clear, a few statistical data can be taken into consideration. Over the last five decades, cohabiting couples in the United States have increased tenfold from 0.44 million to 4.2 million. Divorce rates have increased from 9 to 20 per 1000 married couples for the same period. Births to unmarried women have increased from 11% to 38% from 1970 to 2006. Nationally, more than 1.3 million children are born out of wedlock each year. While cohabitation, divorce and unmarried childbearing have increased, marriage in America has alarmingly declined over the last few decades. Married couples with children are one quarters of the total number of households and half of what was in 1960. Some are of the opinion that only the well educated and the well paid are interested in the institution of marriage. It has been observed that marriage not only declined less among the well educated and well paid, but also that they are less likely to divorce. Though college educated women i nitially prefer to live with a partner, they eventually do get married. However, it is worth noting that the constant increase in the number of people attaining college degree from 16.60 million to 88.75 million from 1950s to 1990s has not helped much in improving the statistics related to marriage. So, education is not the sole reason for the changes that are taking place. The increase in the well educated may not have made a direct impact, but indirectly, it has changed various other aspects of life. It has caused a gradual shift in people's priority from religion to science and technology. In the 1950s and 60s, religion played a vital role in keeping the count of cohabitation and unmarried childbearing low. But with the priority shifting, the emphasis is more on career and wealth maximization. Well educated men and women are less likely to marry those who are less educated. This has largely resulted in growth of income inequality. Before 1970, there was a broad based economic pro sperity which has gradually vanished. ( Apart from the economic dimension, some look at the same issue with the racial dimension in mind. Childbearing out of wedlock seemed to be more among the black people than the white. However, statistics in the recent past have shown that there has been a drastic decline in such births among the black teenagers (86% to 35% per 1000) as compared to the whites (24% to 12% per 1000). Hence, class based analysis seems to be a better tool. ( The question still lingers around as to what made the biggest impact, what is the reason for the way things are today. It is a well accepted fact that the present day situation is nothing but an outcome of the past. The number of marriages in the past may have been on the higher side, but there is no reliable statistical information on how many marriages out of those were actually doing well. People, who have spent their childhood in the shadow of a troubled marriage, most of the times, develop a fear towards getting into a serious relationship. Young people who have lived most of their lives in poverty would be of the opinion that marriage is not a commodity they can afford. Therefore, negative aspects in the past have made a negative impact now in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Read and Respond to (IMMANUEL KANT) What is Enlightenment Research Paper

Read and Respond to (IMMANUEL KANT) What is Enlightenment - Research Paper Example Kant describes enlightenment as â€Å"Man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity† (Kant 1784), where immaturity essentially refers to an individual’s inability to use their own understanding in actions and instead depend on tutelage or guidance from others. Kant explains that this immaturity is self-imposed due to â€Å"lack of resolve to use it without guidance from another† (1784). He argues that the guardians who are depended upon by the unenlightened are keen to ensure that matters remain this way hence discourage their dependants through indicating that lack of their guidance will lead to danger. The guardians have been quite successful at discouraging maturity and enlightenment of the populace that only a few individuals have been able to become enlightened â€Å"by cultivating their own minds, in freeing themselves from immaturity and pursuing a secure course† (1784). However, Kant argues that enlightenment is inevitable and that the wo rld heads toward it with each age. He identifies two forms of freedom of using one’s reason as determinants of enlightenment whether public and private. Only public reasoning can succeed in bringing about enlightenment although holders of office and other individuals can privately reason and still publicly defend the symbols they represent. Kant uses the rest of his work to showcase that nothing can stand in the way of enlightenment, not religion, authority or even society itself. He also argues that we are not living in an enlightened age but rather in the age of enlightenment which translates to the gateway to enlightenment. A central theme in Kant’s work is that rational autonomy is achievable in the society albeit slowly; â€Å"But that the public should enlighten itself is more likely; indeed, if it is only allowed freedom, enlightenment is almost inevitable† (1784). He presents the view that enlightenment of the entire society is

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business analysis - Essay Example Requirements 7 2.2.2. Concerns of Stakeholders 7 2.3. Confirmation of Results of Elicitation 8 2.3.1. Confirmed Requirements 8 2.2.2. Confirmed Concerns of Stakeholders 8 3. Analysis of Requirements 8 3.6. Requirements Verification 8 References 9 2. Elicitation 2.1. Description of Elicitation Group Preparations 2.1.1. Preparation for Elicitation Scheduled Resources Business needs stem from identified gaps in the current business conditions of the art institute versus its identified long-term goals and objectives. The Brisbane Institute of Art or BIA has identified several strategic goals and objectives that it wishes to pursue moving forward, centering on the need to improve the financial viability of the institute, which in turn depends on improving services quality, student enrollment and retention, and overall satisfaction levels of students and other organization stakeholders, including sponsors and potential new members. The business needs are therefore to be threshed o ut in terms of how the different aspects of the organization's activities, from business processes to systems used to the programs offered, to the tuition and fees and the course schedules, support or hinder the achievement of the long-term goals (International Institute of Business Analysis, 2009, pp. 53-61). The business case is valid, and stems from the institute's need to upgrade its operational capabilities and to improve its general level of business. There are many aspects to those. Among them, identified in the previous section, are manual processes that hinder operational effectiveness, as well as online properties that are based on somewhat antiquated technologies, that require upgrades in order for the institute to improve services to students and subsequently improve enrollment and revenues (International Institute of Business Analysis, 2009, pp. 53-61

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Typography and Religious Health Care Essay Example for Free

Typography and Religious Health Care Essay The word â€Å"Abstract† should appear centered on the initial line of the page following the title page. Include the word â€Å"Abstract† without bold print, underlines, quotation marks, or italics. Double-space the abstract. Do not indent. On the line following the title, include a summary of the key points of the document. The abstract should appear as a single paragraph. The abstract should be between 150 and 250 words. Title of Your Paper Describe the five (5) important elements of the governing board’ s agenda for areas of improvement in core functions. Many organizations now use a balanced scorecard or multiple dimensions of performance measurement, such as productivity, profit, market trends, quality, patient satisfaction, and worker satisfaction. Describe three (3) key performance dimensions (other than those mentioned here) and include specific measures that Religious Health Care could use to improve overall institutional performance. Determine the performance measures Religious Health Care could use to evaluate nursing staff performance in its Emergency Room. Explain the rationale for each performance measure. Suggest the steps that should be taken next by Religious Health Care to get better at managing specific patient groups. Explain the rationale for each step. Decide what strategies Religious Health Care could implement to enhance its public image and increase market share. Explain the rationale for each strategy. Describe two (2) technology-based data-collection strategies that Religious Health Care could use to conduct an internal management audit. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethanol as Fuel

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethanol as Fuel The top five producers and users of ethanol in 2005 were Brazil producing 4.35 billion gallons per year, The United States producing 4.3 billions gallons per year, China producing 530 million gallons per year, The European Union producing 250 millions gallons per year and India producing 80 million gallons per year. Brazil and The United States account for about 90 per cent of all ethanol production, although in the last few year the United States production of ethanol has grown to about 4.6 billion gallons per year and are now widely consider the worlds largest producer of ethanol. The advantages of ethanol use are: The fuel can utilise existing distribution outlets. Other fuel sources such as hydrogen would require the creation of distribution networks and technology with accompanying establishment costs It is a renewable resource and so would reduce the use of non-renewable materials. It could reduce green house gas emissions if solar energy was used to distil it from aqueous solutions. It reduces dependence on imported oil and the influence of the oil cartels that currently control oil production and price. This reduced dependence on imported oil also protects consumers from the economic variations that are caused by the political and social events in oil producing countries While it is very unlikely that ethanol will ever replace the worlds main energy source, it will reduce the total amount of oil the country would need to import. Disadvantages: There are claims that the production and distribution of ethanol as an alternative motor vehicle fuel source will in fact increase greenhouse gas emissions over those generated by conventional fuels. Large areas of agricultural land would need to be used to grow suitable crops, leading to soil erosion, deforestation fertiliser run off and salinity. There is just not enough land to produce the crops needed for ethanol to become a major alternative fuel, with crops at the moment only sustaining about 1 per cent of the worlds transport fuel. There is also a worry that the land needed for ethanol production will compete with food production. The disposal of the large amounts of smelly waste fermentation liquors after removal of ethanol would present major environmental problems. There is a cost involved in making ethanol is nearly twice as much as the cost of making gasoline. There is also a cost involved in modifying vehicles to use ethanol or methanol. Ethanol also has smaller energy density than gasoline, taking about 1.5 times more ethanol than gasoline to travel the same distance. However with new technologies the advancements in ethanol engines are improving every year. Although ethanol does reduce the toxicity of the car exhaust, it can also be corrosive. Ethanol can absorb water and dirt easily and if those contaminants are not filtered out successfully that can damage the inside of the engine block. The politics that surround the increased use of ethanol in Australia are uncertain. The major political parties have a clear policy position on this initiative at either State or Federal level. There is even debate within the minor political groups that usually defend the environment as to the long term benefits and consequences of increased ethanol consumption. With conflicting claims and a lack of clear evidence, a cautious approach has been adopted by politicians. At State Government level, it is the NSW Government that has principally supported the introduction of ethanol. It has been suggested that the NSW Labor governments position has been influence by donations from major ethanol producers and even the Rudd Federal Labor government is critical of a number of aspect of NSW expansion of ethanol production. Against this background, the NSW Government has consistently refer to the greenhouse benefits of ethanol as one of the reasons for its decision to require that 10% of all fuel sold is to be ethanol (E10) by 2011. There are claims that the long term uses of ethanol are as equally damaging to the environment as conventional fuels. For consumers acceptance of this alternative fuel source is as much about the price at which it will be delivered at the petrol pump, as it is about the environmental motivations. Fermentation and distillation have been used to produce ethanol for centuries, making it one of the earliest organic compounds to be obtained in nearly pure form. Fermentation is a process in which glucose is broken down to ethanol and carbon dioxide by the action of enzymes present in yeast. These enzymes act as biological catalysts, which first convert the starch or sucrose in the mixture into glucose and or fructose. Finally enzymes will convert the glucose and or fructose into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Yeast can produce ethanol contents up to 15 per cent. If the alcohol concentrations were above this level the yeast would be killed and further fermentation would be stopped. To further produce higher alcohol content, up to 95 per cent fractional distillation or even to 100 per cent more elaborate distillation procedures of the liquid are then needed. Plant materials suitable for fermentation must have a high concentration of simple sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose). Starchy grains like corn, tubers like potatoes and fruits like grapes with high simple sugar contents are most commonly used. Cellulose and starch are biopolymers which are formed by condensation polymerisation of glucose monomers. Cellulosic ethanol is produced from woods, grasses and non-edible parts of the plants. There are two ways of producing ethanol from cellulose; gasification or cellulolysis processes. Gasification transforms raw lignocelluloses materials which are composed of cellulose, hemi cellulose or lignin into gaseous carbon monoxide and hydrogen. These gases can then be converted into ethanol by fermentation and distillation. Cellulolysis processes use hydrolysis, which is where enzymes are used to break up the complex cellulose structures of lignocelluloses materials into simple sugars which then followed by fermentation and distillation can be changed into ethanol. Bibliography:

Friday, September 20, 2019

History and Structure of Venice Essay -- Italy Europe Papers

History and Structure of Venice Problems with format ?Venice is one of the most fascinating places to travel in Europe.? Its intrigue lies in its unique beginnings, its dominant past, and its remarkable people and their buildings.? Its foundation is unique because of the need for protection that drove the early Venetians to their new home and the location of this new dwelling-place:? ?Rarely in human history has a vigorous and progressive civilization arisen in a less likely place than the mud flats of the Venetian lagoon.?1? Venice rose to power by its domination of the sea and reached its climax during the years of the Renaissance.? It is during this time period that it truly became ?the bride of the Adriatic and the unchallenged mistress of the Mediterranean.?2? This collection of small islands connected by canals and small strips of land became the home of an independent people and its architecture makes Venice ?a symbol of beauty.?3 ? Geography and Foundation The city of Venice is located at the far north of the Adriatic Sea, in what Dr. Timothy Fehler of Furman University calls ?the armpit of Italy.?4? Venice is situated on a chain of marshy islands protected from the Adriatic Sea by the Lidi, the sandbar-like islands further out in the water.? In describing the body of water Venice is located in, Horatio Brown states, ?Perhaps no piece of water in the world is more remarkable than this hundred and eighty-four square miles of Venetian lagoon.?5 because ?the lagoon is not a lake, still less is it a swamp, nor is it like the open sea.?6? At low tide the marshy islands of the lagoon are exposed, and at high tide Venice appears to be alone on the sea.? Lane describes the lagoon as ?mostly open water with a cluster of sma... ... Davis, 68. 28. Davis, 89. 29. Davis, 96. 30. Howard, 178. 31. Davis, 100. 32. Davis, 99. 33. Davis, 117. 34. Davis, 123. 35. Davis, 127. 36. Howard, 15. Bibliography Brown, Horatio F.? In and Around Venice.? New York:? Charles Scribner?s Sons, 1905. Davis, John H.? Venice.? Edited by the Newsweek Book Division.? New York:? Newsweek, 1973. Fehler, Timothy.? Furman University, Greenville.? 20 March 2003. Howard, Deborah.? The Architectural History of Venice.? New York:? Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc., 1981. Lane, Frederic C.? Venice:? A Maritime Republic.? Baltimore:? The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973. Wiel, Alethea.? Venice.? New York:? G.P. Putnam?s Sons, 1894. Yriarte, Charles.? Venice:? Its History, Art, Industries, and Modern Life.? Philadelphia:? Henry T. Coates & Co., 1986.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

By the end of the play Rita having a mind trained to think, has developed :: English Literature

By the end of the play Rita having a mind trained to think, has developed a confidence that enables her to make her own decisions. How far do you think that Frank was solely responsible for this development. By the end of the play Rita having a mind trained to think, has developed a confidence that enables her to make her own decisions. How far do you think that Frank was solely responsible for this development, or do you think that Frank was simply' the key that unlocked Rita's mind In Educating Rita, the audience sees the wilful struggle of a working class woman's thirst to be educated .A literature professor takes on the challenge, because she is like 'a breath of fresh air'with a totally uncluttered mind. He teaches her many things as well as instils in her the self confidence to relate to almost anyone. However; as she learns and grows, she not only becomes influenced by others, she loses that part of herself that makes her unique and individual; which makes her like all the rest. Our first impressions of Frank and Rita are that they appear to be complete opposites. They come from two contrasting social backgrounds; Frank is a well educated man of middle upper class. Rita is an uneducated working- class girl. Their jobs go from one intellectual extreme to the other. Frank being a university professor while Rita works as a hairdresser. Rita is discontented with her present life, she feels incomplete, like she's missed out on something. She feels that the so-called 'working class culture 'she was brought up in is hollow and meaningless. Rita is determined to get the education she never got, to raise the standards of living, and also to raise her from her state of ignorance to one of intellectual and social confidence. She looks down on herself and the culture she belongs to, but is optimistic that she can learn her way into a better way of life. She believes that freedom will come with education; therefore Frank can give her this freedom by educating her. Frank is also unhappy with his existence. He has everything Rita wants from life but wishes he didn't. He turns to drink to make living in the culture he hates more bearable. He doesn't want Rita to experience the same thing, which is why he doesn't want to teach her. He doesn't want to be the one to take away her simple, down-to-earth way of life and replace it with the kind of life he has. In my opinion this shows that Rita's determination played a greater deal in the development of

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Siddhartha Essay: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Journeys

Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Journeys in Siddhartha   Ã‚  Ã‚   In Hesse's novel, Siddhartha the title character, Siddhartha leaves the Brahmins in search of Nirvana - spiritual peace.   The journey he endures focuses on two main goals - to find peace and the right path (   Joseph Mileck, the author of Hermann Hesse:   Life and Art, asserts that Siddhartha focuses on a sense of unity developed through Siddhartha's mind, body, and soul (Baumer).   Hesse's Siddhartha revolves around three central journeys - a physical, a mental, and a spiritual journey.    Siddhartha's journey begins with his physical journey.   This journey begins in Siddhartha's hometown.   At home, Siddhartha focuses his religious involvement in Brahmin rituals.   These rituals do not allow him to reach Nirvana so he decides to leave his village and follow the teachings of the Samanas.   The Samanas are men who believe that temporary life is only an illusion, and they practice extreme self-denial and meditation (Welch 58).   Siddhartha's journey with the Samanas begins as he pulls himself away from the structure of everyday life. However, Siddhartha finds this life to be unfulfilling and wasteful. When Siddhartha decides to leave the Samanas, he hypnotizes the leader in order to convince him to let Siddhartha move away (    Eventually, Siddhartha decides to attempt the teachings of Buddha.   However, this lifestyle leaves him unsatisfied as well.   Even though Siddhartha decides not to follow the teachings of Buddha, he says, "I have seen one man, one man only, before whom I must lower my eyes.   I will never lower my eyes before any other man.   No o... ...ted Aver, Linda. Baumer, Franz. Hermann Hesse. United States, 1969. Cliff's Notes. "Hesse's Steppenwolf and Siddhartha." Nebraska, 1973. Hesse, Herman. Siddhartha. Dover Publications, 1998. Smith, Sheila. "Siddhartha's Journey." Sobel, J and HHP. "Form, Style, and Content in Siddhartha.".   Ã‚ Sobel, J and HHP. "Hermann Hesse." The Nobel Foundation. "Autobiography of Hermann Hesse.".   Ã‚      

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pricing Strategies

Penetration Pricing Price set to ‘penetrate the market’ ‘Low’ price to secure high volumes Typical in mass market products – chocolate bars, food stuffs, household goods, etc. Suitable for products with long anticipated life cycles May be useful if launching into a new marketMarket Skimming High price, Low volumes Skim the profit from the market Suitable for products that have short life cycles or which will face competition at some point in the future (e.g. after a patent runs out) Examples include: Playstation, jewellery, digital technology, new DVDs, etc.Value Pricing Price set in accordance with customer perceptions about the value of the product/service Examples include status products/exclusive productsLoss Leader Goods/services deliberately sold below cost to encourage sales elsewhere Typical in supermarkets, e.g. at Christmas, selling bottles of gin at  £3 in the hope that people will be attracted to the store and buy other things Purchases of other items more than covers ‘loss’ on item sold e.g. ‘Free’ mobile phone when taking on contract packagePsychological Pricing Used to play on consumer perceptions Classic example –  £9.99 instead of  £10.99! Links with value pricing – high value goods priced according to what consumers THINK should be the priceGoing Rate (Price Leadership) In case of price leader, rivals have difficulty in competing on price – too high and they lose market share, too low and the price leader would match price and force smaller rival out of market May follow pricing leads of rivals especially where those rivals have a clear dominance of market share Where competition is limited, ‘going rate’ pricing may be applicable – banks, petrol, supermarkets, electrical goods – find very similar prices in all outletsTender Pricing Many contracts awarded on a tender basis Firm (or firms) submit their price for carrying out the work Purchaser then chooses which represents best value Mostly done in secretPrice Discrimination Charging a different price for the same good/service in different markets Requires each market to be impenetrable Requires different price elasticity of demand in each marketDestroyer/Predatory Pricing Deliberate price cutting or offer of ‘free gifts/products’ to force rivals (normally smaller and weaker) out of business or prevent new entrants Anti-competitive and illegal if it can be provedAbsorption/Full Cost Pricing Full Cost Pricing – attempting to set price to cover both fixed and variable costs Absorption Cost Pricing – Price set to ‘absorb’ some of the fixed costs of productionMarginal Cost Pricing Marginal cost – the cost of producing ONE extra or ONE fewer item of production MC pricing – allows flexibility Particularly relevant in transport where fixed costs may be relatively high Allows variable pricing structure – e.g. on a flight from London to New York – providing the cost of the extra passenger is covered, the price could be  varied a good deal to attract customers and fill the aircraftContribution Pricing Contribution = Selling Price – Variable (direct costs) Prices set to ensure coverage of variable costs and a ‘contribution’ to the fixed costs Similar in principle to marginal cost pricing Break-even analysis might be useful in such circumstancesTarget Pricing Setting price to ‘target’ a specified profit level Estimates of the cost and potential revenue at different prices, and thus the break-even have to be made, to determine the mark-up Mark-up = Profit/Cost x 100Cost-Plus Pricing Calculation of the average cost (AC) plus a mark up AC = Total Cost/OutputInfluence of Elasticity Any pricing decision must be mindful of the impact of price elasticity The degree of price elasticity impacts on the level of sales and hence revenue Elasticity focuses on pro portionate (percentage) changesPED = % Change in Quantity demanded/% Change in PricePrice Inelastic: % change in Q < % change in P e.g. a 5% increase in price would be met by a fall in sales of something less than 5% Revenue would rise A 7% reduction in price would lead to a rise in sales of something less than 7% Revenue would fallPrice Elastic: % change in quantity demanded > % change in price e.g. A 4% rise in price would lead to sales falling by something more than 4% Revenue would fall A 9% fall in price would lead to a rise in sales of something more than 9% Revenue would rise

Monday, September 16, 2019

Anti Violence Essay

Anti violence essay Seven years ago I did not think violence existed in America. The most violent act ever committed was the tragedy of the World Trade Center in 9/11/01. The Trade Centers had been the target for something so horrible, and I thought at the time, ‘This will change the world. † I was right about that fact: our airports are more secure, we have to have pass-ports anywhere you go now, you have more thorough bagage checks, and they’re more selective as to what’s in your purse before boarding a plane. I think the most secure place in America right now is our power plants. They have increased security at all our power plants, including the nuclear plants, and also there is air space around each plant so planes have to keep their distance from them. Homeland Security is a common word in our homes today because of 9/11. I wanted to know how. Wanted to know why. Wanted to know what our leaders reactions would be. The world trade center killed many people that my friends knew and loved; that can never be replaced. This act changed the way my friends lived, loved, and acted in school. This spine-chilling nightmare was committed because terrorists took over three planes that flew into the giant buildings. The causes of this violence is the hatred between countries, states, or nations. The hatred is then passed down to the youth generation, because we hear, and see the dislike between the grown-ups. Children learn from the wisdom and actions of what the elders do. Shooting, stabbing, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and gang fights are a few examples of youth violence. All of these exist in schools, neighborhoods, malls, the movies and even in your own home on the internet. Schools have tried to stop it but there is still a lot of verbal abuse anywhere in the school system you go. Youth violence can be stopped by reporting abuse, shooting, stabbings, and anything to do with gangs. It can also be solved by not being the one that does bulling or any of the things listed above. I think it is funny how teachers wonder about why no one reports violence in America. My say on the matter is the kids are scared it will only get worse if we tell a teacher or principal or any adult because they use our name and our grade to the bully or person that Bothers you.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Case Study on East Meets West: Business Joint Ventures Essay

* Why would a joint venture partner from a planned economy have difficulty understanding that the consumer is king or queen? Answer: Every economy has its own characteristics as both good and bad as well. In any economy, there are rules and regulations fortified in the manner to help the citizens and so that the businesses can get enough revenue from their customers. As we see in today’s world, we can see that only the open economies are getting through the international competition and sustaining in the long run of multitasking operations. As in a planned economy like Soviet Union, Marxism-Lenism had some limitations too. Usually there are not many competitors and whosoever the businesses are; the procedures are controlled directly by the govt. The businesses started to think that customers will have to buy whatever they offer because they have not much of alternative choices. Maybe that can be alright for their country but not sustainable for any other country in this world. On an open economy, businesses understand, they have to satisfy the customers only and customers have a set of choices and alternatives available in the market. If their business can’t offer something much superior or different, there revenues will suffer. That’s why, because of the understanding of the business, they treat their customer as kings or queens. * Could a small business owner tolerate a business deal that had little probability of being profitable within the first 10 years? Answer: Small business owner doesn’t mean the entrepreneur doesn’t have any other businesses or way of earning. But if the business is only the way, of course no one will be able to tolerate this kind of business deal. Usually these kinds of deals are inevitable in industries like real estate, long term investment firms etc. There are not much information here about a planned economy right here and we can’t see how much they appreciated the FDIs is in their land. But in an open economy like most of the economies of this world, there have to be revenues actually. The businesses will have to pay their costs and maintain their operations running at any cause. At least their have to be sales enough to maintain both the variable and fixed costs of the business, If there are not much of profits, the business won’t have to pay much tax rate but if there are loans and financial debts, they will have to pay a certain percentage of their profits and if the forecasted profit s are not enough to pay, eventually they won’t get any kind financial help from any financial institution. As 10 years is a long time to build brand equity to the customers in an open economy, any one of the ventures can be impatient and break the deal. At any cost, maybe not for two years, or 3 years, the profit must come then enough to occupy the market and satisfy the contractors. Usually, for the first years of a business firm, they invest in getting brad equity and setting up customer loyalty and also in understanding the consumer behavior in their current operations. But this is brand management in their long term investment. But eventually, in joint ventures any one of the parties are sustainable and able to run their operations and known to be at least a provider of a certain group of customers. Profits may not come to be a point in these areas of generation but when the venture is formed and ready to serve the market, after calculating the time to build a level a brand equity and CRM, they must obtain profit to run their business enthusiasm. Even of there are big business owners. I suspect if they will be able to deal with such improbability. * Why have few Americans been willing to enter into joint ventures with Soviet partners today? Answer: As the situation provided is due to the environment in mid-1991, there are certain points to consider. We know that, in mid-1991, the recession of US was ended. Thus many companies who was facing a huge amount of loss got their heads up and start their operations again. In the 1990s, Gorbachev’s policy of perestroika offered the people little in substantive, near-term economic improvement, and his policies of demokratizatsiia resulted in rapidly raising their expectations while lessening the regime’s controls over society. As a result, in mid-1991 the Soviet Union appeared to be a disintegrating federation with a collapsing economy and a despairing, confused society. In August 1991, Bush and Gorbachev signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which required the United States and the Soviet Union to cut their nuclear weapons within seven years so that each side would have only 4,900 ballistic missile nuclear warheads as part of a total of 6,000 warheads. The two countr ies had been engaged in the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) since 1982. In another collaborative effort, the Soviet Union voted with the United States and an international coalition of nations to oppose the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, a nation that had been the recipient of substantial amounts of Soviet military advice, equipment, and weapons. There has been a lot of changes in USA and Soviet Union constitutions on that time, maybe the destruction of weapons and an urge of being able to dominate each other’s economy, they came close to get to business relationships. Both of them were two of the most powerful part of the world and maybe one of them was trying to dominate the other but these are political overlooks. The business point of view strategizes the collapse of socialism in Soviet Union and because to the law changes in the field of business policy, there could be alliance powerful enough to understand the multinational consumer behavior of the other countries. Maybe those are the reasons why there has been so much eagerness of these countries to come close in professional relationships and diplomacy. References: 1. Soviet Union, Country Data, 2. Business for the 21st century by Steven J Skinner and John M. Ivancevich.2003.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

To Tax or Not to Tax

To Tax or Not to Tax: The Problem of America Money, like a cookie, is something everybody wants, and when it is gone a person blames everybody else for its absence; realizing later they were the one to consume it in the first place. Taxes, since the beginning of an organized economy, have been argued over for centuries. At the end of 2012 after surviving the â€Å"end of the world,† tax payers were faced with another apocalyptic situation, the Fiscal Cliff.It had the potential to raise taxes to outrageous rates, and despite the dismissal of the Cliff, the issue had just been pushed onto the back burner of the economy and will be readdressed later this year. On one hand, by keeping low taxes the state is unable to create a sufficient amount of money to pay off its debt. Instead, many people argue that by raising taxes the increased prices of items will actually harm the nation’s economic recovery (Russell).Taxes should be increased because facing the national debt is ine vitable and the country is will be unable to recover from the mounting debt until it’s citizens help bring it back from its economic grave. Taxes are directly connected to the economy of a nation, and due to this many people argue that the government needs to cut spending on government programs that are causing the debt to increase. Yet, it was revealed that automatic budget cuts were part of the Fiscal Cliff, and would have saved $109 billion in federal spending on defense and non-defense programs alike. â€Å"President To Make Argument For Fiscal Cliff  Plans†). Ironically, people argued that the government needs to cut, but as it was revealed that is exactly what the cliff was aiming to do. The Fiscal Cliff could have cut unnecessary costs causing the debt to lessen, and in turn reduced swollen deficits (Dixon). This reduction can decrease the debt but even with the removal of these programs the large debt the nation has would be unable to be quickly and efficient ly taken care of at current tax rates.This proves that cutting costs can not solely help the economic situation. Despite this, the resulting chain reaction caused by cutting certain budgets benefits the United States overall because it organizes the spending of the nation and can prevent unnecessary costs. By going over the Cliff, one possibility is that the nation could fall into a recession. Yet, the government discussed the possibility of raising taxes on the rich to make up for taxes that could be placed on the middle class.Economists, who have analyzed the possible effects of going over this â€Å"cliff,† argue that this would result in preventing the economy from completely going over (Cohen). Although, taxes will have to be raised on everybody anyways due to newly enacted health care programs. This tax raise is justifiable because these new programs are meant to help citizens but it is unlikely for things to come without a price, â€Å"though the people support the go vernment; the government should not support the people,† (Cleveland).This plan to raise taxes by 39% is actually an advantage for tax payers because it will be made permanent meaning that after families adjust to the new income amount they will receive, after taxes have been removed from the overall amount, they will not have to worry about being faced with another scramble to extend tax policies in the future (Ohlemacher). The certainty this can provide families with a regular tax plan they can adjust to without major changes in the future. The economic world can be both a clam sea and a brewing storm, although with a consistent tax plan tax payers will be able to comfortably sail this reliable ocean.Often, before acting, one looks to the examples of others for guidance; for the mistakes of others will not be theirs. Britain has remained the main nation America looks at when discussing politics and this was proven no different when discussing economics. Conceders have argued that raising taxes would not fix anything, as proven by the British example. In 2010 Cameron took office, axing the government’s budget, a potential plan in the Fiscal Cliff, yet the gross domestic product is below the level it had been at when Cameron had started (Brown).This comparison proves inaccurate because governments are individualistic and many factors, such as the executives chosen in the government and the differing economies or markets in each country, could affect the result of certain decisions. Britain’s ailment is specifically due to a lack of demand not of supply, Adam Posen, a specialist in British economics, argued, and the U. S. cannot be properly compared to the parliamentary government of Britain (Brown). If the government was to raise taxes it is not guaranteed that it would result negatively on the economy as a whole.Actually, by raising taxes the nation is being given a chance to reform the tax code and broaden the base in the future (Cohen). A trip to the drawing board of economics combined with an on the dot tax plan could revolutionize the economy of America instead of resulting in disaster as many people against the raise in taxes have argued. To tax or not to tax; that is the problem. Despite arguments for a decrease in taxes it is clear that if the government ignores the demand for money to appease the increasing debt then the economy will fall into a harsh depression that will become harder to fix.Citizens put their safety in the hands of the government, they put their children’s safety in the hands of the government, they put their education in the hands of the government, and they put their money in the hands of the government. Why then can they not put their trust? Taxes should be raises so that the deficit does not increase to a larger rate. It is time to start refilling the empty bank of American. Works Cited Brown, Abram. â€Å"The Argument Against Fiscal Cliff Austerity: Just Look At Britain's Mess. â€Å"Forbes.Forbes Magazine, 24 Dec. 2012. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Cleveland, Grover. Quote – Though the People Support the Government; the Government Should Not Support the People†¦ on Quotations Book. N. p. , n. d. Web. 16 Feb. 2013. Cohen, Tom. â€Å"Fiscal Cliff: What Isn't Said Tells More than Actual Words. †Ã‚  CNN. Cable News Network, 07 Dec. 2012. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Dixon, Kim. â€Å"Analysis: â€Å"Fiscal Cliff' Deal Called a Dud on Deficit Front. †Ã‚  Chicago Tribune. Chicago Tribune, 01 Jan. 2013. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Dubay, Curtis S. â€Å"Send This Report to a Friend.   The Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation, 9 Jan. 2013. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Ohlemacher, Stephen. â€Å"Fiscal Cliff Deal Will Raise Taxes On 77 Percent Of Americans: Tax Policy Center Analysis. †Ã‚  The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost. com, 02Jan. 2013. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. â€Å"President To Make Argument For Fiscal Cliff  Plans. †Ã‚  Breaking News for Bla ck America. News One, 27 Nov. 2012. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. Russell, Don. â€Å"A Clear Concise Look at the ‘Fiscal Cliff' Controversy. †Ã‚  Examiner. com. Examiner, 4 Dec. 2012. Web. 24 Jan. 2013.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case study report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Case study report - Essay Example One approach is to ensure they understand the cultural, organizational, and national framework to ensure the personnel tasked with the duties of implementing such strategies understands the expectations and the context of the business. Reardon’s Hotels is one of the United Kingdom companies in the hotel industry embracing the concept of MNCs. The hotel has seven branches with it’s headquarter in Bristol. Edward Readson is the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The organization has an up-market accommodation as its strategic market position. The managerial style and the organizational culture is that of a father figure because it’s a family run business (Reardon’s family) but follows a standardization human resource policy. Their primary customer targets are the travelers. Given that, most MNCs have strategies that lure, attract, and retain the best staff, tailoring the reward scheme that is justified to, the position will play a critical role in buildi ng the institution (Marginson et al., 2010; Tony 2010). Therefore, the MNC plays a significant role in influencing change and the possible directions the organization is likely to take to ensure acceptance and profitable entry into various markets across the globe. Therefore, the case of Reardon Hotels is a good example in assessing the roles played by MNC in the context of HRM to ensure integration and differentiation within and between the national and international system of organization. There are several perspectives on literature that assessed the MNC by examining the differentiation and integration. The perspective associated with the fact that most MNCs have had a tendency of retaining their national goals and values (Doremus et al 1998), because they retain a much stronger link between their country of origin and the subsidiaries. However, some researchers have documented converging evidence that aimed

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How to keep yourself motivated for college life Essay

How to keep yourself motivated for college life - Essay Example Time management involves taking control of the time spent while doing every activity in the college. Effective time management can be achieved by considering the following options. Firstly, students should prepare a to-do list to guide them on different day-to-day activities. By following the program on the list, students get motivated by the accomplishment done on each activity. Secondly, students can achieve effective time management by scheduling dedicated time for different activities. For example, students should create dedicated study time where they only carryout personal studies. Further, students should identify committed time such as times spend in commuting to the lecture rooms or times spend in class work. By identifying committed time, students can be able to program different activities that do not clash in terms of time of occurrence hence enabling the students to perform the different activities at ease. Lastly, students can save time by developing good study habits and using the spare time available to them. Good study habits include taking necessary notes while in class and attending to all the lectures as required. This way, students can carry out exam revision very effectively using a short time. Farther, students can effectively manage their time by carrying small portions of class work to study during spare time such as time available while waiting in lines. On the other hand, students can be motivated for their college life by being focused on their studies. Identifying the reasons and benefits of being in the college forms the basis of motivation that result good focus on college goals. However, for students to develop good focus on college studies, they should consider implementing the following activities. Firstly, students should think about why they want to graduate on a particular course. Before joining college education, most students are motivated to work

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Evaluate if Youngs is a good investment. In this answer you need to Essay

Evaluate if Youngs is a good investment. In this answer you need to consider any qualitative factors that might affect your recommendation - Essay Example The competitive advantage will make the company to reward its shareholders very well for decades thus making it a good investment. The good reputation has provided the company with a real opportunity to expand in the future hence a good investment. Such conditions make Youngs to have higher future financial performance hence being able to provide the highest financial rewards to the investors or shareholders. Secondly, Youngs has an increasing profitability and liquidity. The current ratio of Youngs shows an upward trend and the trend is likely to continue into the future, this indicates an increase in its ability to meet short-term obligations. On the other hand, its profitability ratios show an upward trend. The net profit ratio of the company increased in 2014 sop is return on assets. This implies an increase in the company’s efficiency. The company is therefore very profitable nd the trend is likely to continue into the unforeseeable future. Even though the company has an increasing use of debts, it has sufficient liquidity to meet its interest payments. Its cash flow in terms of interest payment is, therefore, limited hence the company is able to keep such costs to a minimum. The lower interest payments leave more cash at the disposal of the company which they can use as financial rewards to the investors in terms of dividends. In addition, the surplus cash can be reinvested into the company to generate or create value for the shareholders of the company. In either way, the investors stand to benefit. Thirdly, the company has a very simple business model. It sells high quality ladies and gents clothing. It is therefore very easy to monitor the performance of the stock of the company. The ever increasing demand for designer and fashionable clothing acts as a driver for future growth and this makes the company to be a good investment because it has a bright future in the fashion

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Innovation in nursing IP phase 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Innovation in nursing IP phase 4 - Assignment Example This paper comprehensively examines the suitability of adopting quality assurance schemes in the contemporary nursing realm, and more particularly, in the eye care department. The adoption of such a system would be a very essential innovation geared towards the enhancement of patient care and service delivery. As stated earlier, the desire to provide better care to patients has become of dire precedence to all medical service providers with the fundamental craving of realizing a higher level of patient contentment (Blanchet, 2005, p. 11). The principal solution is the incorporation of a system that is more focused on patients than any other stakeholder. This justifies the need for quality assurance systems in the nursing realm. This paper particularly examines the role of such systems in the provision of eye care services. Certainly, the improvement of the quality of eye care services has never been an easy task (Manghani, 2011, p. 35). However, it has always been a very great motivation both to health care providers and their patients (Basavanthappa, 2000, p. 36). This has always been because high quality eye care services usually enhance medics’ motivation and attract more potential clients. Introducing quality assurance systems definitely implies the provision of more advantage to the staff and allowing better involvement of clients in the system. In this article, Manghani extensively explains the significance of the adoption and monitoring of quality control and assurance systems by clinical officers and contract research units. According to the author, quality control helps achieve quality requirements while quality assurance helps provide the sureness that quality requirements are actually realized. According to Basavanthappa, quality control and assurance in the eye care field both aim at providing better eye care services. As a result, the author challenges medical professionals to try and adopt high quality patient care

The Health Implications of Female Genital Mutilation on the Somali Research Proposal

The Health Implications of Female Genital Mutilation on the Somali Women - Research Proposal Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that FGM causes severe panic and pain among almost to 130 million women annually across the world. Apart from this, FGM has adverse emotional, social and psychological effects on the females involved. Further, FGM causes severe panic and pain among almost 130 million women annually across the world. Among the reasons for widespread FGM in Somalia include deeply rooted Somali traditions, religions endorsement and the need to preserve femininity. Somalia also exemplifies countries that adhere strictly to cultural traditions and practices perhaps compounding the desire to stick to FGM. Meanwhile, the country faces severe economic, financial, infrastructural and political challenges, necessitating humanitarian services offered by community workers from the West. The implication of the presence of these foreign workers has been the introduction of liberal practices, which the Somali women and men seem to be acquiring. As a res ult, the Somalis have started showing reluctance to letting their female children undergo FGM. A bar graph showing the percentages of FGM in selected African Countries. Female genital mutilation is considered illegal in most countries in the world. It is necessary to create awareness of the implications of this practice if other countries like Somalia are to discontinue FGM and consider is illegal as well. The primary objective of this research is to familiarize the society about the perils associated with Female Genital Mutilation. Further, research is needed to further investigate into FGM to reveal the challenges that the Somali women undergo in silence due to stigmatization. Literature Review This literature review identifies the past researchers concerning health implications FGM, factors that motivate the continuity of practicing FGM, and possible strategies that can be used to reduce the act of Female Genital Mutilation. Health Implications of FGM Boyle contends that Female G enital Mutilation is associated with a myriad of health complications; these include psychological, emotional and social consequences of the practice on the victims. Psychological complications constitute the disturbances and lifelong stress caused by the practice of the victims. The uncircumcised girls suffer stigma arising from what is considered disobedience to the cultures of the community. Psychological implications of stigmatization include suicide attempts and insanity. World Health organization recognized some of the implications of female genital mutilation on the fitness of women and girls. This included death resulting from bleeding, life-threatening pain that is caused by the cutting, and psychological stress caused by those undergoing the cut. Moreover, severe infections can attack the victims due to the tools used in clitoridectomy. Clitoridectomy is the act of circumcising girls.